What is Freely Nourished?

It’s something I say frequently.

It’s my end goal for all of my clients.

To truly feel free in their nourishment choices.

But what exactly is it and how does one become freely nourished?

A person who is freely nourished does not feel negative emotions regarding their eating preferences. They feel confident and satisfied in their food choices and trust themselves to choose healthful food options. Being freely nourished means food no longer controls you, rather food serves the purpose it is intended: to nourish and satisfy. When someone is freely nourished, they do not spend all day thinking about what they wish they could eat. They recognize when the no longer feel satisfaction from a food. They trust their body when it says to stop eating.

Wow! Doesn’t that sound amazing? or does it sound impossible? Be honest. For many people they read that and think “okay, that’s nice for some people but I can’t that.”
Guess what, dear reader. You totally can. Not overnight but if you’re ready to make changes, that can describe future you. The journey to be freely nourished might be longer or more taxing than you thought, but it’s a journey we can take together.

Start your journey to be freely nourished today with Restart Nutrition. Check out our services page for more information on our services and future offerings.


Abolishing Food Rules pt1