I want to be freely nourished but…
Honestly, I think the first concern I hear from people is that being freely nourished cannot happen with their health status.
“How can I eat that way and still consider my [medical diagnosis / allergy / etc]”
So the truth is. To be freely nourished is to understand and include food intolerances, allergies, medically related dietary restrictions, etc. You cannot be truly free in your eating if you consume foods that hurt you can you?
See. It’s not that you have permission to eat any food you want. It’s that you also have the responsibility on you to consider how those foods interact within your body. This is the oft forgotten part.
Yes, the freedom sounds so exciting! But just like Uncle Ben says, with great power comes great responsibility. And when you give yourself permission to eat, you cannot ignore the responsibility that comes with it.
It’s so very important to that we take consideration of your medical restrictions, allergies, or intolerances. When I talk to my clients about freedom, it’s freedom from the arbitrary food rules placed by marketing, influencers, or society. It’s *not* ignoring how that food makes you feel or how it may impact your health. I honestly believe that it’s most important for those with intolerances, allergies, and medical needs to work towards being freely nourished because people in those groups already have restrictions placed on them. So yes, it’s possible to be free within those restrictions and feel fulfillment!
So, don’t let these food considerations hold you back from true food freedom! You can start making steps today.
Are you ready?